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Ford E85 Flex Fuel Conversion Kits

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60 000+ Vehicles converted
3 000 000 000+ Kilometers with eFlexFuel
eFlexPlus E85 kit with accessories to your Ford

eFlexFuel verified Ford models for E85 conversion kits

AerostarAspireB-MaxBroncoBronco IIBronco SportCapriC-MaxContourCougarCrown VictoriaE-350E-450EconolineEcosportEcoSportEdgeEdge STEscapeEscortExcursionExpeditionExplorerExplorer SportExplorer Sport TracF-150F-250F-350F-450F-550FalconFiestaFigoFive HundredFlexFocusFocus C-MaxFreestarFreestyleFreestyle (India)FusionGalaxyGrand C-MaxGrand MarquisKaKa+KugaMaverickMondeoMustangProbePumaRangerRanger (American)ScorpioSierraS-MaxTaurusThunderbirdTourneoTourneo ConnectTourneo CourierTransitTransit ConnectTransit CustomWindstar

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