Why E85 Flex Fuel?
E85 Is The Best Fuel Available
If you're wondering why you should fill up with E85 , the answer is simple: E85 is the best fuel you can buy.
- E85 burns cooler than gasoline
- E85 burns cleaner than gasoline
- E85 makes your engine more powerful than gasoline
- E85 supports American farmers; gasoline doesn't
- E85 costs less than gasoline
Simply stated, E85 flex Fuel is the best fuel you can buy.
Ethanol Is Made In The USA
Ethanol is the main ingredient in E85, and it is made from corn grown in 27 US states. As of 2019, more than 68,000 American jobs were directly associated with ethanol production.
When you choose to fill up with E85, you're spending your money on fuel that's produced by American farmers.
Find The Nearest E85 Pump

E85 Is Mostly Alcohol, And Engines Run Great On Alcohol
E85 is a mixture of ethanol (a/k/a ethyl alcohol) and gasoline. For decades, alcohol has been the fuel of choice in auto racing:
- Many NHRA dragsters run on pure alcohol
- IndyCar uses E85 exclusively
- NASCAR racing uses ethanol, too
Racers like to run engines on alcohol because it burns cleaner and cooler than gasoline. It's also much higher octane, which means it combusts more efficiently (and makes more power) than gasoline.
Performance BenefitsE85 Costs Less Than Gasoline
If you've seen E85 for sale at your local filling station, you probably already know that E85 costs less than gasoline.
While prices are always changing and vary from one region to the next, E85 is typically 25-30% less costly than regular gasoline. And while it's true that vehicles aren't as fuel efficient when burning E85, most people who have added E85 kit to their vehicle save hundreds of dollars a year on fuel.
And if your engine requires premium high octane gasoline? The savings are even greater.

E85 Frequently Asked Questions
Are All Vehicles E85 Compatible?
Right off the factory floor? No. But with an eFlexFuel E85 flex fuel conversion kit, most hybrid and conventional engines are likely compatible. See the year/make/model lookup tool to find your vehicle.
What Is Ethanol Fuel?
Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from plant materials and corn biomass by way of a biochemical process that converts starch to sugars, which then ferment into alcohol. It's also known as E85 as well as flex fuel. It has anywhere from 51% to 83% of ethanol in it.
Does E85 Really Give You More Power?
E85 has more than 100 octanes. That's one potent fuel. With an eFlexFuel E85 flex fuel conversion kit and a tank full of E85, you could see anywhere from 1% to 15% in power gains.
Can E85 Damage Your Engine?
As long as your vehicle is compatible, you should not see any downsides or damage to the fuel pump, fuel injectors, and fuel lines.